
Delivering the news

To give you a little history, in case you are not aware...

For family home evening in March, I wanted to have the girls make some goals and make some steps to accomplish their goals. I asked who would like to set a goal first, and Kate's hand shot up.

Kate: "I want to make a goal"
George: "OK, what is your goal"
Kate: "Go to Disneyland"
George: "OK, so to accomplish the goal, you need to set a time for it to be accomplished. When do you want to go."
Kate: "Right now."
George: "Well, we can't go right now, it is night time and it takes a long time to get there, it is far away."
Kate: "Tomorrow."
George: "We can't go tomorrow, it is too soon, besides, we will have to save up money, and get time off work. How about in 2 months?"
Kate: "OK."

So we set the date, and for Kate to accomplish her goal, she needed to be cooperative getting ready in the morning, and get up early, etc. We read the goals every night and every day, and it was very present in her mind. She did excellent, she got up right away, and got dressed and ready for school with no complaints at all.That is a really big accomplishment. Any time she started to give us grief, we reminded her about her goal, and she straightened right up. I was very impressed with her dedication to it.

Amy wanted to go a little earlier than the middle of May, and she wanted to surprise the girls. So we planned it out, and purchased the tickets in a package through Costco Travel, and planned the dates, but didn't tell the girls. We didn't tell many people, because we didn't want anything to accidentally slip out.

Sunday, the 22nd was the day we were going to drive down, so we went to the 9 am ward instead of out 1 pm ward.

AA funny story about that. We went there and Kate was asking about primary and stuff, and we said that we were at different ward. We asked her to see if she could see anyone she knew to prove to her that we were not at our regular ward.

So we look over and see Brother Bassett, who is in our ward at the 9 am ward! It was totally funny. We were wondering what on earth he was doing there. After Sacrament meeting, we asked him and he said he had a job interview that day, so he had to go to the earlier ward and we told him our plans. It was quite funny.

We went home and got the girls to change their clothes, and loaded everything in the car while they were doing that. Then we told them that we had to go to Mommy's work to get her phone charger since she left it there. We had to get a couple last minute items at Target before we left, so I took the girls there and Amy went to get her phone charger. We knew it would be really fun to tell the girls their surprise, so we got the video camera out and video taped it.

We told them that we were not going to Mommy's work anymore. Then we told them to guess where we were going. They guessed Auntie's apartment, then Home, then Grandma and Grandpa's house. Then I told them the place we were going had a castle, and they guessed Sunsplash, (A waterpark near us that has a castle). Then Sarah said, as if she didn't think this would really be it, "Disneyland?"

Then we said yes, and they said "Really!?!?" Kate: "I meeted my goal?" They were so happy and cheering and it was really cute. I am working on getting the video up on the blog, it is worth it. At the end, Kate crunches up her body in a little ball, and says "Ohhhh! This is so great!!" Words cannot do it justice, you will have to see it. They were both in shock and sat there with these cute little happy surprised expressions.

Last time we went to Disneyland, we stayed in this hotel called the Annabella right by the park. It is a pretty nice hotel and pretty reasonable. The girls loved it because there was a small room off to the side with a bed, mini-fridge, and TV. They loved that little room. For some reason, we had to take apple juice with us last time, and we kept it in the mini-fridge. So on the way down, Kate asked if we were going to the same Disneyland. We said yes, and then she asked if we brought apple juice. It was so funny. I totally forgot about that, but Kate remembers having apple juice when we went to Disneyland last year. We didn't talk too much about it, but she was really looking forward to that.

On the way down, we had the girls watch some DVDs. They were starting to get anxious when we were about halfway there. I told them they had to watch 3 more movies before we would be there. They had already watched 2. So during the movies, Kate would ask, "Is this number 3? Is this number 4? Only one more left and we will be at Disneyland?" She was excited. Sarah just sat and watched the movies and was in seventh heaven that she was going to Disneyland, and getting to watch movies. She was so good the whole way down. They both were.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Gosh Hunzy, I can't believe I missed all these posts about your DL trip. I kept waiting for you to post some more things about it. I just now read all the cute stories :)