
Finally, a stupid web quiz worth taking!!

Thanks, Staci for enlightening me about this wonderful piece of internet history. May it live on forever.

I'm a Porsche 911!

You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite,and you know it.

Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.

Father's day

Well, I thought I could get Amy to post on the blog, but I only got her to post a couple things. So for father's day, a day in which sacrament meeting was nothing out of the ordinary, no tribute to father's, no little chocolate treat as we exited a sacrament meeting that had no primary songs being sung in appreciation of us fathers, I will post a little story about one of my fondest memories of my father. Names have been changed to protect the innocent.

Begin Story

One day, a father named Raul decided to take his son Jorge to get a haircut. They lived in a city called Pepper Lake City, in the state of Me-tah. Raul woke Jorge up early one saturday morning to go down to a barber shop and get their hair cut. (The rest of the story will now be told from Jorge's perspective to his father Raul). I loved that day, it made me so happy to get to spend time with you, just me and you. I loved it so much. I was only six or seven years old, but I can still remember almost every detail. We walked down to the barber shop, and we talked the whole way down there. You talked to me about what I wanted to be when I grew up, and I said I wanted to be a fighter pilot.

You told me I had to get good grades and have good vision. I remember telling you about the things I could see that were far away, and you couldn't see them. I was so proud of my good vision, and I think because of that day, I still am, it is one of the traits that I am so happy with. I know one day it is going to fade, and I will have to get glasses or contacts, or Lasik surgery, or something, and I dread that day. I am going to be one of those people where I know I will be stubborn and say my vision is fine, and not want to get glasses or contacts, or anything. But I also remember that we walked for quite a ways. We went to the barber shop and it was closed. Honestly I don't remember if it was just closed for the day, or we were too early, or if it wasn't there anymore. I didn't really care, as long as I got to spend time with my dad, who I looked up to so much.

After we couldn't go to the barber, we went and got some doughnuts and orange juice and milk. I remember the little carton of oj I got and the donut. It was a crumb donut, and a cinnamon roll, and I have loved those two flavors of donuts ever since. That day was such a fun day, twenty years later, I remember it like it was yesterday. In fact, I probably remember some things about it better than things I did yesterday! But I would definitely say that is my best memory. I know it doesn't seem like much, but everything you said and everything we did resonated with me, and helped shape me into what I am today. I remember when you said that it was important I get good grades so I could be a pilot. That had a bigger impact on my grades than anything until I was in High School. Dad, school was very hard for me. I did not like to do all the busy work, and assignments that I thought were a waste of time. There were so many assignments that I did and were so pointless and brainless that I didn't even remember what they were the next day. I can say that looking back.

I thought they were pointless then, and I agree today that most of those were pointless. Not all of my school assignments were, but a vast majority of them. But I did them because I knew I needed to get good grades. As I got to high school, I was too tired of it and they started to slip until I was able to take more challenging classes.

I don't remember anything that happened that day after we got home, but the time I spent alone with my dad will always be clear in my mind.


Sarah's Pump it Up Party

Yesterday was Sarah's birthday party with her friends. We had it at this place called "Pump it Up", which was pretty fun. They have two play arenas that each have 4 or 5 large jump houses and tall slides. The kids played for 1.5 hours and then had pizza and cupcakes in the party room. Here are some pictures of Sarah and her friends.

Kate's Little Orchard End of the Year Party

Last Wednesday was the end of the year party at Kate's preschool, Little Orchard (aka "Little Orchy", as Kate likes to call it). Around lunch time, we parents sat on the playground and all the kids trooped out and assembled for a little performance. Here are some pictures of Kate singing with her classmates. Afterward, we all had lunch out on the grass. Kate thought it was so fun that Mom and Dad were there to have lunch with her.


The end is nigh.......OK, not really.

Although I was the one who started this blog, George has done all of the posting. Now, I think he is refusing to post until I actually contribute something to the blog. So, he has forced my hand. I will have to brag to all of you about George. He will not brag about himself.......well, except about his cooking. I will not belabor the point that he is brilliant, that is old news. I want to tell everyone just what an amazing father and husband he is.

George can always think of ways to make the mundane into something memorable. We used to always have a battle with the girls to get dressed and ready for school in the morning. There were days that it would take an hour just to get them to agree to an outfit. George solved this by implementing a race. He gets the girls out of bed and challenges them to be dressed and ready to go before he can get out of the shower. As soon as he leaves to take a shower, they hurriedly dress to the shoes and then promptly hide under the covers in my bed. When he comes out, he always sings a funny victory song about how they are still asleep and he is confident that he has finally won the race. They simply love it when he feigns surprise when he whips off the comforter to find them ready to go. That is just one example of how George makes life fun for the girls. He is always great at helping with school projects that involve art (He is the artist around here!) , cooking with the girls, taking them on bike rides, etc. I am so grateful that he is such a loving and involved dad. As for his role as a husband, let me just say that I don't think anyone could ask for a better spouse. I can't believe that we have been married for 9.5 years. He is my best friend and we still have as much fun together (when we get the chance!) as newlyweds.

As for the end drawing nigh, I just mean that in the above photo I am about six months pregnant. I am really looking forward to the arrival of our next little girl. Right now, I have 11 weeks to go until my due date. I know that really isn't very long, but it is daunting to me. I just thought it would be a funny title for this post. Also, I wanted to post that cute picture of our family, but I needed to make it crystal clear to those that might not be aware that my belly did not solely arise from eating too much of George's cooking. :)