
The end is nigh.......OK, not really.

Although I was the one who started this blog, George has done all of the posting. Now, I think he is refusing to post until I actually contribute something to the blog. So, he has forced my hand. I will have to brag to all of you about George. He will not brag about himself.......well, except about his cooking. I will not belabor the point that he is brilliant, that is old news. I want to tell everyone just what an amazing father and husband he is.

George can always think of ways to make the mundane into something memorable. We used to always have a battle with the girls to get dressed and ready for school in the morning. There were days that it would take an hour just to get them to agree to an outfit. George solved this by implementing a race. He gets the girls out of bed and challenges them to be dressed and ready to go before he can get out of the shower. As soon as he leaves to take a shower, they hurriedly dress to the shoes and then promptly hide under the covers in my bed. When he comes out, he always sings a funny victory song about how they are still asleep and he is confident that he has finally won the race. They simply love it when he feigns surprise when he whips off the comforter to find them ready to go. That is just one example of how George makes life fun for the girls. He is always great at helping with school projects that involve art (He is the artist around here!) , cooking with the girls, taking them on bike rides, etc. I am so grateful that he is such a loving and involved dad. As for his role as a husband, let me just say that I don't think anyone could ask for a better spouse. I can't believe that we have been married for 9.5 years. He is my best friend and we still have as much fun together (when we get the chance!) as newlyweds.

As for the end drawing nigh, I just mean that in the above photo I am about six months pregnant. I am really looking forward to the arrival of our next little girl. Right now, I have 11 weeks to go until my due date. I know that really isn't very long, but it is daunting to me. I just thought it would be a funny title for this post. Also, I wanted to post that cute picture of our family, but I needed to make it crystal clear to those that might not be aware that my belly did not solely arise from eating too much of George's cooking. :)


Amy said...

I agree George is a great Father and Husband. Darn him he always has to be the best at everything! J/K. Anyway, Amy that was a great post. I just called George and told him he is falling behind on the posting. I hadn't checked it today. He told me to check it out and I am glad I did. That is such a cute family picture. I think you look great!!! I miss you tons!!!

Natasha said...

That is a totally cute pic of you guys thanks for finally giving me your blog adress and letting me see. hahahah well my dear hope to see you soon or at least hear from you I miss you guys lots keara still talks about sarah and how she misses her
love ya

Reuel and Ana said...

That is a great blog Amy. I want to add that you are a great Mother and Wife also. Almost ten years. It seems like only yesterday when you were married. I am very happy with your whole family. Last April when Sarah sang I am trying to be like Jesus, I cried all the way through the song. Such a beautiful voice that she owes to you Amy, such a sweet little girl she is. I love you all very much and miss seeing you. Maybe sometime this year.