
Sweet angel

Sarah has really grown into such a sweet angel. When she was a baby, she was very sweet and up until Kate was born, she still was. When Kate came along, Sarah wanted to help a lot, but gave Amy some hard times. While Kate was an infant, Amy was taking night classes at school, so I would watch Kate and Sarah would help me.

She was so loving with Kate and always wanted to be with her and help s take care of her. She loved to share her toys when Kate was really tiny because Sarah could take them back when she wanted. These are a couple of my favorite pictures of the two of them. They are much different now. Now that we have another baby coming along, I know Sarah will be even more helpful, but I am not sure about Kate, yet.

Sarah always loved to feed Kate. I would set up the Boppie around Sarah and lay Kate on it then give Sarah the bottle. The Boppie could practically fit around her twice! She did a great job even though she was only 2. Well, she was 2 months away from 3.
When it was bed time, Sarah would always want to sleep with Kate. We couldn't let her, but I often put Kate down to lay with Sarah for a few minutes and that made her happy.

One of my favorite stories is about the time, Kate threw up. Babies sometimes spit up and sometimes they THROW UP! One night, after Sarah fed Kate, Kate was laying on the floor on her back. She out of nowhere threw up. I mean she THREW UP. It was like there was a hose of formula shooting out of Kate's mouth. Sarah was standing right there and I think it made her kind of sick. I hurried over to turn Kate on her side, so she didn't drown, and Sarah started gagging. Her gagging wasn't the classic dry heave that we all love, but more of a "Baaaa-aa, Baaa-aa, Baaaa-aa!" It sounded so funny. I was trying hard not to laugh, but Sarah was just standing there looking at the pool of barformula, and she wouldn't look away. Finally, I had to tell her to walk away because I thought she was going to barf, too. They were both fine, but I will remember that experience forever.

1 comment:

Amy said...

I almost threw up reading about the barformula! Cute story!